About Us

Not everyone wants to be the center of attention, but everyone wants to feel seen. We make that happen. We plan, host, and pay for celebrations for marginalized or overlooked individuals. We love to partner with other nonprofits to celebrate the people they serve. A nonprofit partnership is not required for TCS’s love and impact, though! With your help, we can boost morale for a day, a year, or a lifetime. How? We throw birthday parties for homeless children. We honor their mothers during Mother’s Day. We celebrate people living with disabilities. We send youth to summer camp and prom that they otherwise could not attend. We support addicts through another year of recovery. These affirmations may be the only ones they receive. The opportunities are endless! We hope you join the celebration!

How it Started

Hi! I’m Weston, founder of The Celebratory Story in Atlanta, Georgia. What breaks my heart? Knowing there are people in the world who don’t feel seen or worthy. There are communities of people we ignore or overlook as if they aren’t human like everyone else. What is my wish for my kids? That they would have a heart like Jesus. What brings me joy? Planning, celebrating, and serving. What better way to spend my time than finding ways to capture all of those things in one mission?! I’ve felt the significance of celebration for as long as I can remember. I see the value in celebrating anyone or anything.

After years of specific prayer for my next career move, I spent too much time doubting the answer I received and my abilities. At the beginning of 2024, I chose PLAY for my word of the year. A few weeks and church sermons later, I realized even more connected dots and answers to my prayers in the journal from those previous seasons of prayer. It was always leading me to The Celebratory Story. I finally trusted God’s purpose for me in this season and began walking with confidence in it. It was a bit of a snowball from there!